🎅 Merry Xmas & Happy New Year! Save up to 1,000F. Get A Bus Ticket - Fast & Secure.


Have you been stuck in traffic in Cameroon because you needed to buy a bus ticket to Bamenda, Douala, Yaounde, Buea, Limbe, Kumba, etc.? Say goodbye to traffic issues related to bus tickets in Cameroon.

You can now buy your bus tickets for reputable travel agency/bus operators like Vitican Express , Amour Mezam, Garanti Express, Moghamo Bus, Nso Boyz etc, using WhatsApp or through Motorboy App.


If you want to save time and money, just call/text Motorboy at +237 6 78 14 98 36 for more information.

Why waste time at bus stations? Buy your bus tickets with Motorboy. Fast & Secure!

Use the following options to easily book a ticket for your next trip within Cameroon

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